Sunday, December 26, 2021

Finally!! Pin Loom Mini Sweaters for 2021

Thanks to Florencia and to the many weavers who shared their mini-sweaters, we have another fabulous field of pin loom creativity. Many thanks to everyone who took part. 

My new mini sweater plan is to begin now and start making mini sweaters any time I find that I have woven the wrong size or an unneeded square. With any luck I shall have the start of a new Christmas ornament tradition. They may not be as wonderful as the creations above, but it should be a lot of fun. 

How to participate

Grab your 4x4 loom and start weaving your mini sweater! The only requirement is that you do it only using four 4" x 4" squares. You can use any type of yarn you like with encouragement to use the leftovers that you or your friends already have at home. 

How to make a mini sweater

No need to be a pin loom expert. Follow the step by step instructions below or check out Florencia's PDF with everthing you need to know. 

How to send your designs

Place each sweater on a white piece of paper and take a picture straight from above. Try to take each picture with daylight and send them in a good quality .jpg file (150 dpi min) to:


Florencia will be gathering pictures through December 18. We will publish a large picture of all of the mini sweaters on December 20.

If you are anything like me (or like Gary, my Mini Sweater model) you have been waiting on tenderhooks for the next Mini Sweater Pin Loom Day. 

The theme this year is gathering up and using all those tiny scraps of fabulous yarn-- to good to throw out, too small to use on anything but a Mini Sweater.  Gather them up and make one... or two... or a whole Christmas tree-full of Mini Sweaters. 

Use this link to find a downloadable PDF in English and Spanish with complete directions from Florencia Campos Correa on making Mini Sweaters.

Keep in mind that the basic sweater is easy to do, using four 4" squares to create the cutest little sweater. Weave them using the 3 layer method or add extra levels of design by weaving every line using the two layer method. 

Don't forget that deadline, send your mini sweater pictures to Florencia at by December 18.    
Every year the sweaters get better. I can't wait to see yours!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know before that "tenterhooks" (correct spelling) were used in weaving. And per Wikipedia, they are actually angular and not rounded. Interesting!


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