My family knows that I am passionate about all things pin loom and pointed me toward these pin loom blankets. I sent a request to Mr. Fahrenbruch and he was kind enough to allow the posting of these pictures of his work.
It took me a while to convince myself that this blanket was made with pin looms. Here are some close ups of this incredible blanket.
Rick, thank you allowing us to share in your work.
I honestly feel speechless-- the composition of the wall hanging above is wonderful. The use of negative space in the red on blue blanket at the top is incredible.
It is so fun to see this blanket taking advantage of the pin loom's ability to display the two colors over the spectrum from all white to all navy.
This is another example of composition that is so beyond my expectations of pin looms that I am grateful for the close-up, in order to see how it was done.
Rick writes, "My Swedish grandmother taught me to weave on her 4x4 Weave-it loom when I was a kid. Many years later, I came upon the same loom at Mom's house. She gave it to me and my interest in weaving began anew. Later I found Ebay and the Weavette looms and my imagination took off. Yes, I noticed how similar our stories are...
I'm now working on wall-hangings and I'll share them with you when they are ready to be photographed."
Thank you, Meg and Mr. Fahrenbruch for sharing this amazingness! Incredible art.
ReplyDeleteI wish that I could round up the work of the many Swedish grandmothers, and others, who have been so instrumental in passing along this fiber technique. MS
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely gorgeous pieces. Thanks Rick and Margaret for showing them off. I loved the Weave-it as a kid but when I bring it up now people's wonderful to see serious pieces being made with such a wonderful loom.
ReplyDeleteI saw the weave-its in a Woven or Spin-Off Magazine ad, went on their website and the rest is history. I also met the lady who own Brunsten's Loom who published the weave-it pattern book, which I also own a copy of. She had some wonderful looking samplers at her booth. She had one piece woven by a fellow that was double woven. It looked like two squares interwoven together, which was amazing. I wished I knew someone that could show me how to double weave on these little looms. I know it's possible, but I'm not clever enough to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteDavid, I remember seeing the double woven 2"x 2" square at Licia Conforti's booth at Convergence a number of years ago. It was incredible, done in black and white and I had the same sense of loving it without being able to figure out how it was done. My impression was that it was woven by a man who taught at a national folk or craft school, but no recollection of the name.