Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Pin loom weaving on a knitting loom

Make this zippered bag using a Kb fine gauge knitting loom. All the directions for weaving and creating these bags are at the Kb Loom site. 

Plus you can find directions for weaving on a knitting loom on a new page - Weaving on a knitting loom. 

Get way more information on knitting loom projects, potholder loom projects, make-your-own 2" pin loom projects and a lot of other stuff in Pin Loom Weaving To Go. 

One of the (many) things that I like about pin loom weaving is that when I get bored with one form of it, I can move on to another. I have recently taken a deep dive into weaving on a knitting loom, which has been extremely fun and has opened up a relationship with pin loom people and knitting loom people who have now have the opportunity to see their looms in a whole new way.
More projects to come. The two scarves below were both made using Kb's All In One Loom. This first stripey look was woven with the All In One loom in the narrow set up. The second scarf was woven using the loom extenders.  Details on both projects will be available soon.

In the meantime, check out Pin Loom Weaving's new page - Weaving on a knitting loom - and have a whole new pin loom weaving experience!


  1. I noticed the way you wound the yarn differed slightly on the knitting board website from the way it looks in the book. I tried both and prefer the knitting board website version. After figuring out the first row, it went smoothly. Love your creativity!

    1. Karen, thanks for noticing. I have found that weaving on a knitting loom goes more smoothly if I don't worry about it being perfect. So I'm afraid that I end up doing it a little differently each time. But it does work out and it's fun!


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