I have a confession to make. This would not come as much of a surprise to people who know me, but I think that pin looms work better and offer far more options for use than many other, bigger looms. But just about the time that I think that I have a handle on everything they can do, along comes someone like Judy to convince me otherwise.
For example, Judy's beribboned scene with rabbit- what an incredible amount of work to do- all before she popped the weaving off of the loom!

This is Judy's Beehive Project, woven primarily on a turtle loom.
I love her bees, beads and pin loom flowers. I would love to be able to add a couple woven bees to her very lovely display piece.
If you like bees and flowers, you can also check out the Bees & Flowers Tea Pot Cozy here.
Wow, such beautiful work and lovely photographs! Makes me want to be there looking out of that window. And very inspiring pin loom ideas too!