Thursday, June 30, 2016

Weave a Sheep Pin

Looking for a simple woven gift or badge? This is a great little sheep pin that is made using two 2" x 2" squares sewn together with a little batting and a pin back.  I can't wait to make a bunch of them!

If I need a small gift its going to be perfect. If I have a big gift to decorate, this little pin will make a great embellishment. And if I need a pin loom related item for multiple goody bags, this little Lamb Pin hits all the marks.

Choose your favorite fleecy looking yarn, add head and feet in satin stitch.

What better way to introduce pin loom weaving--it's ease, it's usefulness, than by sharing an easy to make and unique gift.

This is a simple 2" pin for scarf or embellishment. Its made with two  2" x 2" squares, a couple of very small squares (about 1 1/2" x 1 1/2") of quilt batting or other soft cloth like fleece to add some body, plus a pin back.

The sample shown here uses a 1 1/2" pin back. The body of the pin back is buried between the two layers and sewn to the back layer. All that shows is the pin and clasp.


  1. How about making nine of the 4 inch white squares in a really fluffy yarn, and sewing them together in two much larger squares and making a pillow and embroidering the head on the pillow. If you use mohair type yarn you can brush it up fluffy. I don't wear pins much, though it would make a cute necklace too, perhaps.

  2. Sorry,you would need 18 squares to make a pillow, I was thinking of one side at a time.

  3. Thanks for the feedback, I love the idea of the sheep pattern working at 2" or 4" or 12...make a square and it works. :-)


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